English page
The Synodal Missionary Department of the Russian Orthodox Church was established by the decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995. The Department is responsible for the organization and implementation of missionary activities at the church-wide level.
The tasks of the Department include:
- the study of the missionary field;
- development of church-wide missionary programs and coordination of their implementation;
- preparation of methodological materials for missionary activities;
- assistance to the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in the organization and activities of missionary camps;
- monitoring and analysis of the activities of sectarian and schismatic formations, publication of relevant missionary materials;
- together with the Educational Committee, training of missionary personnel of the Russian Orthodox Church in theological schools;
- creation of methods and teaching aids to prepare active lay people for missionary service;
- publication of missionary literature;
- exchange of experience with foreign Orthodox missionary organizations, analysis of the missionary experience of other faiths;
- organization and holding of missionary congresses, conferences and seminars;
- conducting targeted financial collections for missionary activities;
- support of the Church’s missionary work through information activities and contacts with public associations and the media;
- assistance to monastic monasteries in organizing their missionary activities;
- monitoring the implementation of the definitions of the Local and Episcopal Councils, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and the Holy Synod in the field of missionary service.
Acting Chairman of the Synodal Missionary Department is priest Anthony Kosykh (e-mail: pred@sinmis.ru).
Deputy Chairman for the External mission — Priest Dionysius Grishkov (e-mail: outmissia@sinmis.ru ).
Deputy Chairman for the Apologetic mission — Priest Sergiy Fufaev (e-mail: apologet@sinmis.ru ).
Acting Head of the control and analytical sector — reader Maxim Leonard (e-mail: analitica@sinmis.ru ).
Head of the educational sector — archpriest Alexander Timofeev (e-mail: education@sinmis.ru ).
There is also an information sector (e-mail: info@sinmis.ru ).
Address Department:
23 Dolgorukovskaya str., Moscow, 127006, Russia.
Official website https://sinmis.ru/
The Synodal Missionary Department has a Support Center for Missionary Camps (CPMS) on the basis of the Belgorod Theological Seminary (with a missionary orientation). The purpose of the CPMS is to ensure the activities of missionary camps in the Far East and the Far North of Russia. The head of the CPMS is Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Starooskolsky.
The Orthodox Missionary Society named after St. Innocent of Moscow, formed by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on December 29, 2021, also operates. E-mail: pmo@sinmis.ru